Ester Has a New Website and Blog

Ester's website has been redesigned and now includes a blog where she will post new artwork, tips and tricks, step-by-steps and updates on Icarus Art.

Subscribe via RSS or email.

Icarus Art and Caran d'Ache

Icarus Art and Caran d'Ache have teamed up to provide our customers with quality media samples.

Free samples of Caran d'Ache Neocolor I and Neocolor II wax pastels, Luminance 6901 colored pencil, and Neopastel oil pastels are now included in every Icarus Drawing Board we ship. (See insert)

From Ester's Desk


Following are two frequently asked questions on the Icarus technique:

“How do you layer colored pencil over artist crayon or oil pastel?”

Step #1 shows that it’s impossible to layer a hard medium over a softer one. The pink colored pencil can only make indentations and scratches over the light blue artist crayon. Here is where the Icarus Drawing Board can help you.

On step #2 the thick layer of crayon is thinned out
on the warm zone with a gray paper stump.

I use the side, not the point of the paper stump and make small circles until I'm left with a thin, saturated layer of color.

After moving the paper to the cool zone, I’m now able to easily layer colored pencil over artist crayon (see step #3).



"How do you achieve a very smooth color gradation?"

As you can see on step #4, on the cool zone I layer additional colors beside the pink (process red on one side and white on the other). I use the side of the pencil, not the point.

After moving the paper to the warm zone I start blending with a paper stump. Here, again, I’m using the side, not the point and make small circles as I blend (
blending in progress on step #5)

Step #6 shows the end result: a smooth and
flawless color gradation. This technique will allow you to blend a large area in a very short time.

Icarus Art News




In September we had a very successful mini-workshop at the San Diego Chapter meeting of the Colored Pencil Society. The event took place at the Serra-Kearny Library and the participants had a great time following along the step-by-step video clips on the fourteen Icarus Drawing Boards provided to the attendees (see picture on left).

In October Ester presented the Icarus Technique to the members of the Pacific Arts Group of Torrance. This was a demonstration of various colored pencil techniques organized by the Los Angeles Chapter of the Colored Pencil Society.

Don't forget to check Ester's blog for news on upcoming demonstrations.

We are always looking forward to receiving images for our "Gallery" from artists working with the Icarus Drawing Board.  Personal notes for our "Testimonial" page are also welcomed.

Icarus Art on the net

We have a banner on the new Colored Pencil Central website
, the web's most comprehensive Colored Pencil Directory...

...and on Scribble Talk, Everything for the Pencil Artist!

Coming Soon.......

We are currently working on a new "Video Clips" section for our website. It will be located on the "Technique" page and it should be ready in about two months.

 Make the Icarus Drawing Board the perfect
oliday present for the Artist on your list.

Season Greetings & Happy New Year
from Mario & Ester

We really appreciate your support and help in spreading the word about the Icarus Drawing Board. We hope you have enjoyed our newsletter and that you will share it with your friends.